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The  Course   for Teachers at a crossroads
in their career

An online group course & community for teachers feeling lost in their career or stuck in the classroom.

Laura’s course totally transformed my mindset and way of thinking about my career. I’ve been teaching for 12 years and this course has helped me navigate my questions and uncertainties in ways I never could have done on my own. Now I’m navigating what’s next for me with confidence, because I know what I want and what I bring to the table.

—Clare, former pre-K teacher, current Logistics Coordinator

I felt lost and alone in the process of finding the "right" job for me after "only" being an educator. The course created a community for me where I could focus on my strengths and explore jobs that were not about teaching at all! Laura and her course were a pivotal part of my healing process as I shift from educator to the next phase of my life. The course was a life changer and a life saver.

—Bernadette, former teacher, current Grief Recovery Specialist

Hey teacher, if you're at a crossroads in your career, you might be feeling:

Confused about what you want for your career. One day you feel the positive impact you're making on your students' lives, and you can't imagine anything better. The next day, you feel under-appreciated and over-worked and wonder why you're still doing this.

Disappointed that teaching might not be your forever job. You invested a lot of time and energy into training and growing as a teacher. It's a huge part of your identity. Was it all for nothing?

Guilty for even considering leaving your students. You're a good teacher, and you know the world needs strong teachers. You wonder if you should just set aside your own happiness for the “greater good.”


Stuck in the classroom with no good career alternatives. You can't imagine what else you could do with your skills and experiences. Your inner critic is loud and insistent that "You're not qualified for anything else!” 

Crossroad signpost saying Hard Way , Easy Way, Wrong Way , Right Way and many other ways.

Curious about other careers beyond the classroom and whether you might enjoy doing something else! 


Totally lost about how to move forward. Your process of figuring out your career feels disorganized and unproductive and is comprised mostly of worrying and fretting about your future.

Afraid of change. The unknown of another career has you frozen in your tracks.

Alone with your confusion, doubt, and uncertainty. It's hard to talk honestly about leaving teaching without "outing yourself"so it's like a dialogue between you...and you.

You don't have to navigate this crossroads alone.

Get support & a roadmap to move forward with clarity & confidence.

  • ​A tried and true framework that takes the struggle out of your career exploration and gives you a clear roadmap to follow.

  • A coach to help you answer your trickiest questions and navigate all the hard stuff like fear, overwhelm, disappointment, doubt, and guilt.

  • A community of teachers to support you, hold you accountable, and offer a range of alternative perspectives.

  • ​Permission to explore new career possibilities outside the classroom without guilt or commitment.

  • Career resources customized to help teachers  decide what's right for you.

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All of this good stuff is packed inside...

Teachers at a Crossroads:
A course to explore career change

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This online group course will empower you to make decisions about your career that feel right for you.  

✅  Explore career possibilities beyond the classroom.

✅  Take stock of what’s important to you, what you have to offer, and what brings you joy.

✅  Connect with other teachers actively exploring a career change.


❌  Staying in the classroom just because you feel scared or guilty to leave.

❌  Defaulting to teaching because you don't know what else to do.

❌  Anxious wondering "should I leave teaching or not?"'

Make a confident choice about the next step of your career that aligns with your strengths, values, and what you want most for your life.    

Hey there Teacher, I'm Laura!


I'm a career transformation coach for teachers feeling stuck.

I created the Teachers at a Crossroads course because I kept hearing from teachers: “I'm not sure I want to keep teaching, but what else could I even do?!”

The course is my version of shouting to the mountain tops “There’s so MUCH you could do!" You have a lot to offer and there are so many possibilities.

In the course, I'll guide you and a group of your fellow teachers through a process of exploring your career possibilities beyond the classroom and transforming your career into work that feels right for you.


I've got 12 years of coaching experience, 5 successful career transitions of my own, and a passion for personal growth and fulfillment to bring to your biggest, most overwhelming career questions.

If you want work that’s going to make you happy, this course is the right place to start.

Get the 1 minute lowdown
on the Teachers at a Crossroads course!

Teachers at a Crossroads is different than other career change courses

It's not a job search course
(it's a career clarity course)

There are other good career change courses for teachers out there. They're your go-to guides for conducting an effective job search.

But the job search is actually the last step of making a career transition.


Step #1 is figuring out what you want for your career. Teachers at a Crossroads will help you get this clarity. 


The course gives you strategies, time, and permission to discover and explore a wide range of career possibilities beyond the classroom (there's so much out there).

It gives you space to do some guided reflection and soul-searching. Who are you at this phase of your life? What do you want? What you have to offer to the world? What's holding you back from change?


These big, important questions will invite you to think about your work and career differently and empower you to choose a path that's really right for you.

It's not a DIY course you tackle solo
(it's a cohort of teachers walking through it with you)

Most career change courses for teachers are self-paced and self-motivated. You buy the course and then it's up to you to watch the videos and do the work. There's no one supporting you along the way or holding you accountable, except maybe a Facebook group.


In Teachers at a Crossroads, you work through the course with Laura (your coach) and a cohort of other teachers.

This support from Laura and a community of fellow teachers gives you accountability to do the work, momentum to keep moving, personalized support tailored to your needs, and a fresh outside perspective on the thoughts that have only been rattling around in your own brain.

This career change course IS for you if:


  • You're not sure whether to leave the classroom or recommit to teaching, and you'd like to be able to make this decision with more clarity and confidence.

  • You know you want to leave teaching to pursue a different career path, but you don't know what you want to do instead.

  • You'd like to join a cohort of other teachers for greater support, accountability, and camaraderie.

  • You value reflection and self-discovery as a means of making choices that feel right for you.

  • You'd like to transform the way you think about your career, not just make a career transition.

This career change course is NOT for you if:


  • You know you want to leave teaching AND you know what you want to do instead.

  • You need a job (any job) ASAP because you've left teaching and need an immediate income.

  • You want help with your job search. Resumes, cover letters, networking and interviews are not covered in this course.

  • You'd like to move through a course individually at your own pace.

  • You feel like self-reflection is waste of time, and it makes you uncomfortable. 

By the end of this course you will have...



about what you want for the next chapter of your career.


More joy in your work

by reconnecting with what makes you feel curious, interested, and excited. 


Confidence in your skills and strengths

because you've identified

what they are and can see

how they relate to your work and other careers.


A growing network

of people

to help you widen your perspective, think through your career questions, and tap into new resources and ideas.


A personalized list of career alternatives 

created with your own values, strengths, and interests in mind.


A plan 

for how to seek more joy as

a teacher or how to leave the classroom for a career that's

a better fit for you. 

What teachers at a crossroads are saying about the course...

I had doubts about teaching, but I didn’t think I could find other work so I stayed as a default.


Laura’s course guided me through an honest exploration of what I want and have to offer in my career. It gave me confidence that I CAN do something else if I choose, and so I felt empowered to ask for the things I wanted to make my current job better. These changes transformed teaching into a much better fit for me, and now I return to teaching enthusiastically, as though it were a new job, even though I have been in the field for over 20 years

—Rob, current middle school social studies teacher

I didn't know if I was ready to "give up" on teaching, so initially I hesitated to take Laura’s course. But I kept getting in my own way and allowing my negative thoughts to tell me that I couldn’t do anything else but teach. 


Watching Laura's teaching videos and doing the homework assignments have taken my career re-designing process out of my head and made it much more concrete--something I could actually consider doing. 


It doesn't matter where you are in the process of changing your career. You will become more aware of how your own thoughts and attitudes may limit your ideas of what's possible. Even if you decide to remain in teaching, you may think about your job in a whole new way.

—Jennifer, current elementary EAL teacher

I took Laura’s course because I was a teacher without a lot of joy. I wanted to explore other career possibilities, but I felt like I could only be a teacher, and I also felt some inner conflict about even considering leaving the classroom. 


As I worked through the course, I felt the number of doors and possibilities for career alternatives begin to open! Through the strengths and personality surveys, I began to feel confident in my strengths and capable of doing something else. I found the weekly Zoom meetings with other people in my cohort to be most helpful. I no longer felt alone. 


My exploration through this course brought up more joy and excitement to dream and plan for another career where I can be the best me. I would definitely recommend this course to any teacher that feels burned out, overwhelmed, helpless, or stuck in their job. 

—Jan, current 5th grade teacher

What's included in the course?


Seven modules (20+ pre-recorded lessons) that guide you through a process of career exploration using the mindsets, strategies, assessments and tools I've honed over 12 years of career coaching.  


Assignments for every lesson, designed to help you go deeper with the content and  keep you focused and engaged in meaningful ways. This is not busy work! 


Join Laura and other teachers in your course cohort for facilitated Zoom conversations. These calls are a space to new perspectives on the course content and connect with other teachers going through the same process of career exploration. 


Former students describe the calls as "encouraging and validating" and as a place where they felt "less alone" with their questions and doubts.


You'll receive all the information you need to do your assignments with ease, including relevant templates, assessments, and demos. 


Meet with Laura 1:1 at any point during the program for half the price of her usual coaching fees.  


Join Laura and other Teachers at a Crossroads alumni in monthly Zoom calls in order to get ongoing support and accountability to continue your career exploration. 

Course opens again in Fall 2024

What to expect




Cultivate a more positive, hopeful, and effective approach to your career by making a few important mindset shifts. 




Heighten your awareness of what's getting in the way of positive career change by tuning into your career narrative, getting to know your inner critic and identifying the influences of others on your career. 




Build your confidence and recognize your relevance by identifying your skills and strengths through several assessments and feedback from people you trust.




Expand your knowledge of what's possible for you beyond the classroom by discovering careers you never knew existed or didn't think were possible. 




Clarify what you want to guide you as you make career decisions going forward, using your values, joys, and strengths the power to create your own career north star. 




Prioritize a few careers you’d like to explore further and use four different strategies to find out whether they're a good fit for who you are, what you want, and what you have to offer.




Make a plan with actionable steps to keep you moving toward your goals after the course ends. 

Course opens again in Fall 2024

Still not sure whether Teachers at a Crossroads is right for you?

Give this course a 30-day risk free chance if any of the following resonates with you:

Image by Nathan Dumlao

You're feeling pressure to make a decision

But you get stuck in your head turning over the same questions again and again without clarity. 

Divarication asphalt track in a pine park.jpg

You know change is needed

You feel it in your body. You hear your wise inner voice. "Something is not right. Make things better."

You want to enjoy more of your life

You know that your job has a huge impact on life outside of work, and you're ready to do what it takes to be happier.

30 Day Money back

Taking the course is risk free!
You're protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee

Taking this course is an investment in your future - a more joyful, fulfilling career awaits! All investments cost something, whether it's time, energy, or money. In this case, I believe that the course is an investment worth making, for all the clarity, confidence, and momentum you're going to get for your career. But don't just take my word for it...

"Taking this class was an investment. Every penny has been paid back to me a hundredfold in peace of mind and motivation. I wanted clarity. I got it. Way cheaper than any other midlife crisis!" - Rob, T@C Student
I recently invested a lot of money in an online course, and the thing that made me feel OK with such a big financial investment was the money back guarantee. If it wasn't serving me, I could cancel. Phew!

I want to offer you that same sense of freedom to invest in yourself. By the end of 30 days, you'll have received access to the first three modules of the course. 
If you don't feel totally motivated by what you're learning about yourself and your career by the end of 30 days, let me know and you'll receive a full refund. 




If you're not happy with teaching, let's do something about it

Imagine waking up on a Monday morning with happy anticipation for the week! 


Work you look forward to is out there. Sometimes you just need a little help making it happen.

I’ve created the roadmap you need to find your version of career happiness. So all you have to do is jump on board and enjoy being guided through a process that is fun, clarifying, eye-opening, and energizing. I'll be with you every step of the way.

With admiration,



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