1:1 Career Clarity Coaching

Considering a career change but uncertain about what's next?
Confused about where to begin the process of figuring out what's right for you and your career?
Overwhelmed by all the career possibilities or discouraged by what feels like a lack of career alternatives to what you're doing now?
Non-stop spinning your wheels over your same 'ol career questions?
Get unstuck.
Move forward in your career
with clarity about what you want
and confidence about where you're headed.
1:1 coaching with Laura offers customized support
and ongoing accountability.
about what you want, and where to go from here.
that you're on a career path that's right for you.
to move forward with direction, ease, and joy.
Transform your career
into work that's a good fit for who you are, what you want for your life, and what you have to offer to the world.
Ongoing 1:1 career coaching includes:
Two 60 minute sessions a month
Laura's expertise applied directly to your unique career questions and goals
Customized assignments to give you momentum and hold you accountable
Relevant self-assessments (e.g. CliftonStrengths)
Support and communication between sessions through email and/or Google docs

Price: $400/month
I now have a clearer picture of my entire career trajectory. Past work experiences don't seem like disparate points on a map anymore. I'm able to draw connections from my past experiences that will help lead me forward to new opportunities. I gained confidence throughout the process and I'm now excited about what's next!
